May 19th, 2024

Creator's Circle
Creator's circle will NOT be meeting this Saturday as originally planned. The next get together day will be Saturday, June 15th at 9am.

Congregational Sympathy
Our sympathies to Marv Kiphuth’s family on his passing on Tuesday, May 14th. His service will held be at St. Paul’s at a later date.  Please keep the Kiphuth family in your prayers.

Breath of Fresh Air
Breath of Fresh Air will meet on Wednesday, May 22nd at 1pm in the Mary/Joseph room. All women are welcome to join our devotional group.

Historical Committee
Outside the Narthex you will notice a flag with stars honoring St. Paul’s WWII Veterans. This was discovered by the Historical Committee while sorting through church artifacts.  If you  have any information on the history of the flag (i.e. who made it for the church, when it was made, etc.) or if you are a relative of any of the soldiers listed and would be able to provide us any details about their service, please email or call the office           763-498-8311

Memorial Day Veteran’s Lunch
We are looking for bars/cookies/dessert to serve at the Veterans Lunch held here at St. Paul's on Memorial day.  If you are able to bring a dessert please contact the church office by Friday May 24th at noon.  Treats can be dropped off at church on Sunday May 26th between 8-10:15 or that Monday morning before 10 am.


Last Week’s Worship Attendance

8:00am: 65

9:15am: 98

10:30am: 66

Online: 23

Total: 252



Last Week’s Offering:

Offering: $6,006

Online Giving: $2,986

Haiti Fund $70

Building: $234

Total: $9,296


St Paul's Calendar


May 2024

I was a little frantic and everyone at the staff meeting helped me to settle down and settle into what would be my home for the next 5 + years.  I needed some help that day, Pastor Luke and the entire staff were there for me on that day and over the years.  As a matter of fact, we were there for each other, as we formed a tight team.  While we are different people, we care deeply about each other, we all love God, and we all love St. Paul’s.


As time went on and I got to know the congregation of St. Paul’s, my love for all of you has grown with each passing day.  We have been through some tough times (remembering the pandemic, the deaths of your loved ones, conflicting opinions) and some wonderful times (weddings, baptisms, confirmations, laughter, singing, Cajun boils, October fests, visiting you at the hospital or in your homes, sticking together through it all.) I cherish each one of those moments and I cherish each one of you.


I think you may remember that when Pastor Leon left, he sent you a letter, reminding you that he could not come back to do weddings, or funerals or baptism…and that if he did come back to visit or fill in, it would not be for a long time.  I am letting you know that is the same for me as it is for every pastor.  That is the hard part, yet I want to remind you that I am taking what you have meant to me, as I move forward into retirement with Ken.  I will never forget you.


Ken and I are different and better people than we were when we arrived here 5 years ago, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your love and support have meant so very much. We continue to be in prayer for you and we’ll be excited to see who is the new pastor that God has selected for St. Paul’s.


I want to leave you with these important words from Winnie the Pooh…


How fortunate I am to have something, that makes saying goodbye, so hard.


With Love and prayer for God’s continued blessings of St. Paul’s,


Pastor Tori and Ken